Brief: Winter Wizard Battle

Back in 2020 I had been turning over an inkling of a game idea in my head for a long time. That winter I decided to prototype it and create a small game for family and friends - I figured it would be a good way to get validation on the idea, and see if it had legs. I also had a goal of learning a game engine, and chose the HTML5 engine Phaser.

Prototyping gave me the confidence that the idea was a good core dynamic to expand upon, and confidence in myself as a game developer. Shortly after this project, I picked up where I'd left off learning Unity, and launched into making Spelly Forest, a much larger, ongoing project.

Tools used: Phaser, Typescript, VS Code, asset store

Project Themes:

Prototyping Game Design Learning Game Dev Static Typing


Initial sketches of the game idea
Initial sketches of the game idea

Game Design

Developing the game design further
Developing the game design further

Developing the game design further
Rune combinations design document

Learning Game Dev

Phaser Game Engine
The Phaser HTML5 game engine

Static Typing

Static type definitions for the game
Some type definitions in Typescript